Season 2011
Rotax MAX Euro Challenge Genk, Belgium - 13. 4. 2011
On the 2nd and 3rd of April 2011 there took place the first race of ROTAX MAX EURO CHALLENGE in Genk/Belgium. According to the entered drivers it was clear in advance that this race event will be the biggest race ever in the whole history of RMC as regards the number of pilots as well as the quality of them and their teams. It prooves that the organisation of RMC is really perfect and Ratox is becoming even more popular in Europe and in the whole world.
Totally 7 drivers from Czech Republic entered the first 2011 RMC race which is also the highest number until now showing that Rotax class is growing also in our country.
Our MS KART Racing Team was represented by Jiří Forman, Kateřina Žůrková and Vladislav Kurakin (RU) in the Senior class and Petr Fulín in Juniors. We arrived in Genk already some days before the event started in order to be able to test on the track at the week-end prior the race because it is the best way to train. .
On Wednesday morning the free practices started and everything culminated on Friday in the the time practice. Jirka Forman drove really well and made the 4th fastest lap time outr of 90 drivers ! The results of other MS drivers were: 52. Vladislav Kurakin 79. Katka Žůrková and 41. Petr Fulín in Junior MAX. After that the drivers were devided into groups a the individual classifficcation heats started. The best results were managed by Jirka Forman again who made 4.,5., 2. and 1. place. Unfortunatelly Jirka was disqualified in the first heat because his chain guard came off so he scored 38 penalty points. As a result of this he finished on place 20 only after the qualification heats. All the other drivers did not so well: Vladislav Kurakin 14.,15., 25. and a disqualification for an illegal contact on the track – totally 58th place. Katka Žůrková: 31., 32., 27. and 18. In total place 71. Katka had bad luck all the week. She had a good start in three qualification heats but because of a collision she always finished at the back of the grid.
Petr Fulín did very well in Junior MAX. He drove ahead all the time and with results 10.,14. and 13. he started from place 18 in the pre-final.
It started to rain on Sunday morning and all the pre-final and final heats were driven on wett track. It rained really heavily at the start of the pre-final so it was very complicated to overtake. All the pilots drove on the inner track and it was almost impossible to overtake from outside. Petr Fulín managed to finish at nice 14th place in the pre-final but then he had back luck in the final: he turned after the start and so left on the last position with a big lost. Finally he finished on place 23. After two races of the RMC he is currently on place 19.
Jirka Forman was running his way ahead in both heats. He finished 15th in pre-final and thanks to a great achievement in the final he came through up to the 8th position ! In total classification of the RMC 2011 he is now on place 9.
The next race will take place in Wackersdorf on 25th – 29th May.
Jirka Kahuda
Chief of the MS KART Racing Team
California, USA - 10.4.2011
1st race of the Internatioanl Superkart Series (ISS) in Hockenheim - 5.4.2011
On 1st and 2nd April 2011 there took place the first race of the International Superkart Series in Hockenheim/Germany. This year our MS KART Racing Team is represented by 2 drivers in this king cathegory of karting sport of 250cc. Team´s number 1 is the Czech Adam Kout who finished 6th in the CIK/FIA 2010 European Championship. Together with Adam there is also the driver Marko Laine from Finnland. Both of them drive MS KART chassis and VM engine.
In Hockenheim Adam Kout was the fastest in the qualification in front of Fasberg from Denmark and the Dutch girl-pilot Priscilla Speelman. Marko had the 5th fastest lap time.
In the first final Adam Kout was leading for a long time but 3 laps to go he had to give up the pole position because of some problems with engine colling. The winner was Priscilla Speelman, 2nd place got Jürgen Reinke, Adam finished 3rd. The first three driver passed the finish line with minimum time difference but Adam was not able any more to overtake up to the pole position again. Marko Laine finished 4th, the 5th place belonged to the Dutch pilot Mark Verhaar. Except of Reinke with Anderson / Dea all the other 4 drivers of the top five drove MS KART and VM !
In the second final Adam managed to win without any problems in front of Reinke and Priscilla Speelman. Mark Verhaar finished 4th. Unfortunatelly, Marko Laine had to face some problems with overheated engine and sliding clutch and so finished on the 9th position.
The next race of the ISS will take place in Oschersleben on 7-8th May.
Milan Šimák
MS KART Racing Team
Holland - 28.3.2011
Hello Milena,
UK - 24.3.2011
Hi Milena,
UK - 21. 3.2011
Australia - 1.3.2011
ROTAX WINTER CUP 2011 – Campillos, Španělsko 9. - 13. 2. 2011
Ve dnech 9.-13. února 2011 se ve Španělsku na trati v Campillos jel Winter Cup Rotax, kterého se ve třídě senior účastnilo 44 jezdců z celé Evropy. Za náš závodní tým MS Kart zde startovali v této kategorii 3 jezdci: Jirka Forman, Kateřina Žůrková (letos poprvé na podvozku MS) a Vladislav Kurakin z Ruska.
Náš tým se do Španělska vydal už o pár dní dříve, aby před začátkem prvního závodu letošní sezony otestoval na trati v Campillos nově připravenou techniku.
Už ve volných trénincích Jirka Forman ukázal, že je v dobré formě, a řadil se mezi nejrychlejší jezdce na dráze. Dařilo se mu i v kvalifikačním tréninku, kde zajel 4. nejrychlejší čas. Kateřina Žůrková zatím moc zkušeností z velkých mezinárodních závodů nemá a tak byl její start pojatý jako kvalitní rozjetí do letošní náročné sezony. V měřeném tréninku skončila jako 27., Vladislav Kurakin dojel těsně před ní na 26. místě. Po kvalifikačním tréninku se rozjely bodovací jízdy, z nichž prvních 28 jezdců postupovalo přímo do finálových jízd.
Výsledky kvalifikačního tréninku Rotax MAX Senior:
1. Ferenc Kancsar – Intrepid – čas 1:04.194
4. Jiří Forman – MS Kart ( poprvé se nám v měřeném tréninku podařilo vyhrát naši skupinu, ale jak se později ukázalo, byla 2. skupina o něco rychlejší, protože měla o něco lepší podmínky na trati ) – čas 1:04,365
26. Vladislav Kurakin – MS Kart – čas 1:04,968
27. Kateřina Žůrková – MS Kart – čas 1:04,974
Bodovací jízdy :
Jirka Forman – MS Kart Racing team – 5, 4, 19, - v 1. jízdě dosáhl nejrychlejšího času v rozjížďce, ve 3. jízdě došlo ke kolizi a následné penalizaci 10 sekund, celkově po bodovacích jízdách 17.místo a přímý postup do finále.
Kateřina Žůrková – MS Kart Racing team – 20, 12, 17, - škoda nedojetí v 1. jízdě, po kolizi Kačka vypadla a to ji po rozjížďkách stačilo pouze na celkové 33. místo a musela jet opravnou jízdu.
Vladimír Kurakin – MS Kart Racing team – 13, 9, 6, - celkově po bodovacích jízdách na 18. místě a postoupil přímo do finále. Vláďa jel dobře a postupně se stále posouval dopředu.
Opravná jízda :
Kateřina Žůrková dojela na 6.místě , což bylo poslední postupové místo do finále. To bylo super, všichni naši jezdci se dostali do finále !!!
Semifinále určuje pořadí pro postavení na startu ve finále, což je samozřejmě nesmírně důležité jako výchozí pozice pro dobrý konečný výsledek. Zde měl velikou smůlu dobře jedoucí Jirka Forman. Hned po startu byl nekorektně v první zatáčce vyražen mimo trať a sen o dobré pozici na startu finálové jízdy se rázem rozplynul. Jirka skončil až jako 33. Velmi pěkně jela Kateřina Žůrková, která semifinále dokončila na 17.místě. Vladimír Kurakin dojel dvě místa za Kateřinou jako 19.
Finále – Jirka Forman startoval z důsledku předchozí havárie z poslední řady. Hned po startu ale nasadil velmi vysoké tempo. Technika fungovala skvěle a Jirka předváděl bravurní jízdu. Bojoval až do samého konce a podařilo se mu probojovat až na fantastické 10. místo v cíli. Při velké vyrovnanosti v kategorii Rotax Max Senior to byl opravdu úctyhodný výkon. Jirka zajel ve finále také nerychlejší čas na kolo a to nejednou !! Nebýt nezaviněné kolize v semifinále, dosáhl by Jirka určitě na „bednu“. Kateřina Žůrková dojela ve finále po kolizi, při které se propadla až na poslední místo, jako 29. a Vladimír Kurakin 19.
S výsledky a hlavně dobře fungující technikou jsme byli nakonec velmi spokojeni. Nyní se připravujeme na 1. závod ROTAX MAX EURO CHALLENGE, který se koná 2. – 3. dubna v Belgickém Genku.
Holland 31.1. 2011
Jan Cramer
Kart show in Germany - 26.1.2011
On 22-23rd January 2011 the biggest kart show in Europe was traditionally organised in Germany in Offenbach am Main. Our company MS KART also partecipated at the show and presented there the MS KART chassis together with the VM engines made by the Czech engine manufacturer VM Motor from Pisek. Our stand was arranged with the cooperation and a big organisational help of our German dealer Mr. Günther Kunz from the company AMZ KARTS and his colleague Mr. Helmut Biebas.
Besides the racing chassis MS KART RZF29/KZ, RZF29/KF with front brakes operated by hand and a new homologated kid chassis for Germany and the UK model MS KART MINI 950 Super Cadet, which attracted a lot of attention among athers thanks to the new design of MS KART decall kits model 2011, we also presented there a new rent kart suitable for kids type MS KART INDOOR MINI as well as the kart MS PROKART 010 with double engine HONDA GX200. The chassis MS KART Prokart, which is made both for endurance races and for sprints, has been supplied with success to the UK for many years and since 2010 it has become very popular also in Germany in the GTC Serie (German Team Championship). The GTC organisator represented Mr. Frank Jelinki from the company Aktiv-Events Motorsport GmbH, had its stand in Offenbach directly beside our MS KART stand (more info at: ).
Big attention of visitors was also attracted by the 250ccm kart MS Superkart with twin cylinder engine VM which was raced very successfully by the Czech pilot Adam Kout from our MS Superkart racing Team in the last season 2010.
In the KZ class there will be driving with the MS KART RZF29 chassis in 2011 again our contract driver from Sweden Filip Gudmundsson (on the picture lower), namely in the Swedish race events as well as in the German Championship.
Our RZF/KZ chassis complete with MEGA engine (65 PS, 2-stroke, water cooled) was also presented in the nice stand of the company Rübig from Austria. We have been cooperating with Rübig on the chassis development for their MEGA engine since 2008 and we are happy that they showed the MS-MEGA equipment in Offenbach as well (for more info about the MEGA engine click here
Milena Vachtfeitlová
MS KART s.r.o.
Foto: Vráťa Ondráček