Racing - season 2010
Hi Milan and Milena!
My 12 races this year I've managed to place me as follows:
11, Helsingborg Skcc-1a.
May 15 to 16, Gothenburg Tom Trana Trophy 2a.
23, Klippan Skcc-1a.
June 5 to 6, Jönköping, Swedish Kart-3a, Cambiocup 3a.
July 12 to 17 Swedish championships-4a in the prefinal, but unfortunately I got to break in the final when I was in shared lead when water entered the engine.
31, Kristanstad Skcc-3a.
August 21 to 22, Wäxsjö Skcc First-finals 1a, Led by 50 meters in the second final water pump broke and had to break.
September 11, Gothenburg, Big trophy-2a.
25-26, Jonkoping super cup final-1a.
October 15 to 17, Kristianstad Grand finale-1a
22-24, Italy, South Garda, Bridgestone Cup, the first really tough test with chassis and engines, chassis went very well and attracted many eyes. A little worse on the engine front, it turned out that we did not have the same updates as the others "appreciable difference in the effects" Less successful time-qualifying started number 14 in both heats, turned out that we started to find some speed. Drove me up at 9 and drove up with three cars with Davide Fore first, when suddenly the chain broke. Started 14 of the next heat, good setup in the chassis and decent speed of the engine. Successfully became 5a, very happy. Stretched to a 15th place in the prefinal. Panic, it started raining 15 minutes before we were out and run prefinal. had no grip at the rear, but ended 10. The rain increased, dad and I began to sense a big success. The chassis is incredibly good in the wet. Sure enough came out 5 after the start, went off the track, but ran up on me quickly to place sixth, absolute fastest on the track, then the unbelievable happened after six laps i got the airbox full of water, refused to give up manage to keep 9de spot to second last lap when they suddenly push me off the track and edned 14. Not satisfied with the results ..
Next season 2011, we run great races in Sweden and the German Championship "DSKM" five races. And hopefully we will get a MS driver with us down to Germany who bought stuff from Stefan in the spring.
In addition, we also try to get together sponsors and the right Engines for the European Championships.
We hope for continued cooperation in 2011, with MS-Kart in the Czech Republic.
We from Sweden wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Again, thank you for a super chassis, and your generous offer

18.10.2010, Germany
Hallo Milena!
Anbei ein Kurzbericht über unser Team und die Zusammenarbeit mit MS Kart als auch einige Bilder von der Strecke, von der Siegerehrung und unseren 3 Teams
(Damenteam, Juniorenteam und die 34).
Wolfram Fath
MSC Oberflockenbach
ADAC GTC 2010 (German Team Championship 2010)
MSC Oberflockenbach – 2010 Meister der Division II auf MS Kart
Einen weiteres Highlight in ihrer erfolgreichen Firmengeschichte darf sich MS KART in ihre Bücher schreiben.
Die größte Deutsche Langstreckenserie, die German Team Championship, gibt es bereits seit 1999. Die Rennen gehen hier von 3 Stunden bis zu einer Maximaldistanz von 24 Stunden. Material, Fahrer und Taktik werden bei dieser Motorsportart das Maximum abverlangt. Fahrwerk, Komponenten und Motor werden einem Härtetest unterzogen, der seinesgleichen sucht.
Der MSC Oberflockenbach, seit 2000 in der GTC, seit 2003 mit der 34 ist Rekordmeister.
Bereits 6 Titel konnte man in den Odenwald holen. Auch in der Juniorenwertung ist man bis heute ungeschlagen. Kein anderes Team hat in dieser Zeit so viele Titel erringen können.
Seit Jahren liegt man mit dem Dauerrivalen aus Mühlheim/Hagen, die mit der Startnummer 79 antreten im Dauerclinch. Die Mühlheimer sind mit PCR – Material aus Italien unterwegs, die 34 fuhr in der Vergangenheit mit den niederländischen Kombifahrwerken.
Im Herbst 2009 fiel dann die Entscheidung auf das tschechische MS Kart zu wechseln, von dem man so viel Gutes gehört hatte. Die hohen Erwartungen wurden nicht enttäuscht. Sowohl Mechaniker als auch die Racer waren von Beginn an begeistert und so war es auch kein Wunder, dass man bereits im ersten Jahr der Partnerschaft die Meisterschaft erringen konnte.
Der MSCO freut sich schon heute auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit und bedankt sich bei MS für das hervorragende Material.
Teamchef Wolfram Fath kehrte voll des Lobes aus Tschechien zurück. Er hatte dort in einem vorbildlichen Werk hoch qualifizierte Arbeit und auch sehr nette Menschen kennen lernen dürfen.
Team 34: Gerlinde Fath, Wolfram Fath, Teamchef und Taktik; Knut Besse Techniker, Philipp Stein, Nico Bastian, Jochen Oeser, Tommy Helfinger, Markus Hurst und Klaus Zanotti als Fahrer

Final 2, 24 laps. I made a poor start and came out 3rd but after few laps I was up in lead. It was a tough race with lots of overtaking
I'm very happy with my MS-Kart RZF29/KZ chassi J and the engine TM KZ10 tuned by Galiffa Kart is working very good !
Thanks to Stefan Malm & Milan and Milena from MS-kart factory
Filip Gudmundsson
22.9.2010 FRANCE
Dear Milena,
last weekend we raced in Alés. Alex had pole position on MS KART, he is second in the running (race). His time was 1 1:12.238, Payart was first 1:12.144. Kevin (MS KART) 5th place. In the second race Alex had problems in the lap 10, the nikasil of the cylinder right is unstuck. Kevin finished second behind Payart.
Alex had many problems with tires in race 2. The MS Superkart chassis was very good in qualifying with old tires (pole position) but slid terribly at the back with new tires.
Best regards,Daniel
Winning team was MS Lucas, drivers: Steve Welsh, Steve White and Jamie Stubbs. 2nd team MS Soco, drivers: Ben Uren, Dan Parker and Howard Lucas.
The race went very well, both karts had no problems. MS Soco were 2 laps down but still a great result !
14.9.2010 Sweden
Good morning,
24.8.2010, Sweden
Hi Milena,
this weekend we were at the last kart race of the North Swedish Series. In the Micro class Jonathan Arvidsson finished 4th and Rasmus was out of the race in the final. There were 26 partecipants in this race.
In the last 3 races Jonathan was 1, 2 and number 8 so with all this results is Jonathan the winner of the whole serie.
Lennart Landstrom
16.8.2010, Zandvoort, Holland
On 15-16th August 2010 there took place a next race of the International Superracekart Serie on the track in Zandvoort. Thé make VM MOTOR celebrated a historical success: Peter Elkmann won the second race and got the first win for the VM make ! What a pity that Peter did not finish the first race because of a carbureter failure. In time practice Peter run great lap time and finished only two tenths behind the fastest driver of this year and the current European Champion Gavin Bennett, which ensured him a second position in qualification.
An other great result on MS KART/VM was achieved by the Superkart rookie, the young Dutch driver Danny Stokman, who finished 4th in the first and 5th in the second race.
Among the first 10 drivers classified on MS/VM also Marko Laine from Finland who finished 8th in the first race. The next Superkart race will take place on the track in Dijon in France in the first week of September.
Click here to download the results:
10.8.2010, Assen, Holland
Mistrovství Evropy Superkart CIK-FIA – Assen, Holandsko, 6.-8. 8. 2010
Na 2. závodě Mistrovství Evropy Superkartů v holandském Assenu měla značka MS KART početné zastoupení. Z 52 startujících jezdců jich celkem13 jelo s podvozkem MS KART a z toho 10 s motorem VM.
První kvalifikační trénink se začínal na polomokré trati, která postupně osychala. Tato skutečnost se stala osudná pro Adama Kouta, který startoval na pneumatikách Maxxis. 5 minut před koncem tréninku se na předních pneumatikách odloupl běhoun a Adam musel skončit. Bohužel nejrychlejší časy zajížděli jezdci právě v posledních třech kolech. Z průběžného třetího místa se tak Adam propadl až na místo 19. Velmi dobře si vedl Peter Elkmann (MS KART/VM), který zajel třetí nejrychlejší čas. Ve druhé kvalifikaci, která se jela na suchu, obsadil Marcel Maasmann (MS KART/VM) deváté místo, Peter Elkmann desáté místo a Adam Kout dvanácté místo. Kvalifikaci vyhrál Gavin Bennet před Robertem Chilcottem a Johnem Rileyem. Takové bylo i postavení na startu v obou finálových jízdách. Umístění dalších jezdců s podvozky MS KART nejdete na přiložených výsledkových listinách.
První finálová jízda se rozjela na polosuché trati. Petr Elkmann vybojoval krásné 5. Místo, Marcel Maasmann skončil devátý a Arjan Kievitsbosch dvanáctý. Adam Kout se po horším startu propracoval na desáté místo a postupoval dál dopředu. Chvátal však až příliš a v půlce závodu, kdy trať nebyla ještě zcela suchá, udělal hodiny a skončil. První finále vyhrál s přehledem Bennet před Payartem a Rileyem.
Druhé finále se jelo na suchu. Adam Kout odstartoval těsně za desítkou a během pěti kol se probil až na čtvrtou pozici. Pak udělal drobnou chybu, která ho však stála několik míst. Opět se mu podařilo několik jezdců předjet a cílem projel jako šestý ! Byl to velmi zajímavý závod, kde si jezdci od čtvrtého do desátého místa několikrát vyměnili pozice. Peter Elkmann dojel stejně jako v první finálové jízdě na výborném pátém místě poté, co využil Adamovy chyby a trochu poodjel celé skupině. Adamovi se pak až do konce závodu již nepodařilo ho znovu dotáhnout.
Po dvou odjetých závodech je v ME Superkartů toto průběžné pořadí:
Payart FRA
Bennet GBR
Roberts GBR
Chilcott GBR
Elkmann DE – MS KART / VM
Hulme GBR
Kout CZ – MS KART / VM
Gjertsen NOR
Morgan GBR
Ahlgren SWE
Poslední třetí dvojzávod se jede 22.-24.října 2010 v Le Mans ve Francii.
Držte našim klukům palce !
Výsledky ke stažení zde:
Idalia Czarnocka na podvozku MSkart
Dobrý den, O víkendu 24. 7 - 25. 7. 2010 se v polském městě Radom konala V Runda Puchar Rotax Max Challenge, na kterém startovala Idalia Czarnocka poprvé s podvozkem MSkart RZF 29. Mezi 13-ti přihlášenými závodníky si jako jediná dívka nevedla špatně a nakonec si odnesla bronzový pohár za celkové 3. místo. V měřeném tréninku obsadila 7. místo, v předfinále se už dařilo víc a dojela jako třetí. Finále, které se jede na 25 kol, dokonale prověřilo fyzickou připravenost jezdců. Idalia jela po startu na druhém místě, ale ke konci se propadla na čtvrté místo, které uhájila do konce závodu.
Výsledkové listiny:
Měřený trénink >>>
Předfinále >>>
Finále >>>
Celkově >>>
S pozdravem
Petr Gajdošík, DiS.
12.7.2010, France
Le Mans 2010 – great result fro MS KART !!!
The MS Kart teams of MS Lucas, MS Soco, McDonalds and GKD Balmforth arrived at the blistering heat of Le Mans on Tuesday 29th June to begin preparing for the annual 24 hour Prokart race on 3/4th July.
The teams managed to hit the track first thing on the Thursday morning and got on with the job of setting up the karts. With all drivers getting plenty of laps worth of testing in, the teams also focused on practicing engine and tyre changes are races can be won and lost in the pits in endurance racing.
By Saturday morning practice things were looking very good with all the MS teams getting a good set up and setting very fast times in practice but the hard work really began.
Steven Welsh put the MS Lucas team on pole with MS Soco in 6th GKD Balmforth were 1st in the clubman class and McDonalds in 12th overall.
At 11:55 the grid was closed and 44 karts slowly made their way around the circuit for a rolling start. Steven Welsh in the MS Lucas kart, Jeremy Gumleigh in Baron, Jon Munday in Alpha and racing for Holland opened a small gap to the rest of the field. On lap 5 Baron sneaked into the lead only for MS Lucas to take it straight back. Baron had another go a lap later and dropped to 4th as Alpha and racing for Holland steamed through. Alpha followed MS Lucas for a while and then Steven got in his stride and started to build a lead that was around 30 seconds on the first driver change, well done. Meanwhile John in the MS Soco kart had a fine drive up into 2nd from 6th on grid. After about 30 mins Bob was not happy with karts running the kerb at the end of the straight so a tyre wall has been built accross them and any kart putting more than one wheel on the kerb will receive a 1 lap penalty harsh, but its the same for everyone. Progem made an early stop I think because an exhaust shroud has come loose. Team 777 were another casualty and have lost a number of laps with an engine change. GKD-Balmforth had a good stint with John Littlechild behind the wheel leading clubmans and McDonald with Dave shaw in the kart was his usual ultra reliable self running second in clubman. With all the initial fuel stops completed by the two hour mark the race settled down.
At the six hour point Alpha are leading and managing to eek out 2hours on a tank of fuel. They are due in any moment though for their next stop so MS Lucas will retake the lead. Wilko is out in the MS Lucas Kart, and John is back in the SOCO kart after a great run from Dan Parker. Another good drive by Tom McDonald has pushed McDonalds into 7th overall and leading clubman wiht Mick out on his stint. Baron have had to swap an engine which has set them back a bit. Black Fleas are running well on their first trip to Le Mans with Stu Hoyle and Phil McVay providing two experienced drivers for them. After 10 hours MS Lucas have retained the lead with MS Soco running well in second overall with some great stints particularly by Howard. Clubman class was now being led by the McDonald team also on an MS Kart.
With a relatively trouble free overnight for the MS teams after 21 hours postions were fairly static with MS Lucas building up a substantial 4 lap lead.
With just one hour to go the top 5 front runners were taking it easy to avoid any mechanical problems and giving the kerbs a wide berth.
After 24 hours and 1475 laps and very little sleep LeMans 2010 was over with MS Lucas taking a great win from sister team MS Soco. A great result from racing for Holland also on an MS in third.Team Alpha finished 4th and McDonalds finished 5th overall and 1st in Clubman a fantastic result for another MS Kart ! 6th overall and 2nd in clubman were GKD-Balmforth again on an MS Kart. The top 10 was dominated by MS Karts with no fewer than 8 being from the same manufacturer, a dominant and brilliant performance at the premier European Prokart race.
The overall result from the race is available at
Superracekart Series – Hockenheim / SRN, 18.-19. 6. 2010
At the German race circuit in Hockenheim, which will also host the Formel 1 Grand Prix in July, there took place a next round of the Superracekart Series on 18-19th June 2010. Because the Brittish Superkart Championship was also a part of this race there really was a superb competition on the starting grid of this event headed by the current European Champion Gavin Bennett from the UK.
The winner of both qualifications was the Englishman Robert Chilcott in front of Bennett. Adam Kout with MS KART chassis and VM engine finished 5th with a minimum blackout time of 0,7 sec to the first one.
The first race was won by Bennett in front of Kleinemayer from Germany. Adam Kout finished on the 5th position. After the first half of the race Adam was already on place No. 3 but then his tyres became overheated and so he had to give up the fight and dropped to the 5th position. He passed the finish line in close contact with the drivers trio fighting for position 2 - 4. In the first race there also finished some other drivers with MS KART chassis and VM engines among the fisrt 10: Marcel Maasmann/NL and Priscilla Speelman/NL. The driver Marco Laine from Finnland finished 12th.
The second race was won by Bennett again in front of the Finn Lethinen. Adam Kout finished 3rd ! Adam did not have a good start and it took a longer time until he got onto the 3rd position so the Finn Lethinen made a big jump meanwhile. Although Adam went closer and closer, he did not manage to get directly to him.... Priscilla Speelman from Holland finished 6th and Marko Laine from Finnland 7th (both with MS KART / VM).
This race in Hockenheim is a next big success for our Superkart racing team with the driver Adam Kout in this season ! This result is even more valuable to us because there was a really big competition on the starting grid and Adam´s distance to the leading driver was only minimum both in the qualifications and in both races. We managed to increase the engine performance and also the new MS Superkart chassis worked in a phantastic way.
Now, everybody is already looking forward to the next race which will be the 2nd round of the CIK-FIA European Championship in Assen/NL on 7-8th August 2010.
To see the results please click here:
1st qualification >>>
2nd qualification >>>
1st race >>>
2nd race >>>
21.6.2010, SWEDEN
Hi Milena,
this weekend has were at the third kart race of the North Sweden Series. In the Micro class Jonathan Arvidsson was the winner and Rasmus was out of the race in the final. There were 23 participants in this race.
In the second race which was 2 weeks ago Jonathan was out of race after he has been in the lead and Rasmus was No. 8. In that race there were 19 partecipants.
Lennart Landström
8.6.2010 Canada
Hi Milena,
MS Kart dominated the first of three regional races here in B.C Canada last weekend at Greg Moors Raceway (1st Greg Henderson/MS KART, 2nd Juray Novota/MS KART). We hit the setup all but one race but still finished with three firsts and four second place finishes.
Thanks again,
Greg Henderson
2.6.2010 Great Britain
Result from the 6 Hour race of the European Prokart Endurance Championship which took place at the Teesside Autodrome on 30th May 2010.
All teams driving the MS Prokart chassis are marked with red.
Winner: MS Lucas
Best Time: MS Lucas
Howard Lucas
1.6.2010 SWEDEN
Hi Milena
This weekend we had our first kartrace of the Northswedish Series. In the Micro class was Jonathan Arvidsson the winner and Rasmus, who raced his first race ever, was 15th .
Best regards,
Lennart Landstrom
19.5.2010 Austria

On the last weekend 1st - 2nd May 2010 there took place the first Superkart race in Sweden. Our factory driver Stefan Malm who also starts for MS KART Racing Team in the 2010 CIK-FIA Superkart European Championship represented with success the make MS KART in this first race of the Swedish Superkart Championship. Stefan qualified 1st. In the first race on Saturday he was leading the race for 11 laps but then he unfortunatelly missed a gear on the bumpy track and lost the pole position. He finished 2nd. Anyway, in the second final on Sunday Stefan won by 10 seconds in front of the second pilot ! We congratulate and wish a lot of success for the coming events of the Championhip !
MS KART s.r.o.
Race 2 of West Coast Kart Championship
Greg Henderson dominated entire weekend to the frustration of Arrow boys and had the field covered.
For the final we did get a little too cocky and did not adjust setup and tire pressure to suit warm wetter and laid rubber on the track and paid for it by about 0.2s a lap. Greg run a little wide into turn 1 at the start of the final so I just went for the spot and in 2nd half of the race lost position back going to turn 3. From then on both MS Karts run like a twins however could not catch leading Arrow.
At the checkered flag: P2 Greg Henderson, P3 Juraj Novota
More information >>
Hello Milena !
We raced the 2nd Round of the Redline Rotax at Infineon Raceway last weekend. Brody qualified 4th in Junior Rotax and finished 2nd in both the Heat Race and the Main. The race was very wet, and the circuit shortened as well as reducing the races to ten laps each so we did not run out of day light. The MS Kart handled the wet conditions perfectly. Check out the Youtube video shot from Brody's kart. It was difficult for the driver to see where the track was when following others. One more lap and he would have won it ! ,
ions perfectly. Regards,
Greg Zink
Hi Milena !
Filip Gudmundsson MS KART/TM did win the first and second race in Sweden this weekend (KZ2) !
The first race was Klippan Cup - it is one of the biggest race in Sweden :-)
The second race was Cambio Cup.
Final 1. >>>.
Final 2. Cambio Cup ! >>>.
Best regards,
Stefan Malm
Hi Milena,
Thank you again for your support!
I am very happy with my new MS Kart!
Best regards,
Martin Chloupek
1st race of French Superkart Championship in Dijon
1st race of the 2010 CIK-FIA Superkart Championship in Silverstone / UK
On the last two week-ends our MS KART Racing Team took part in two Superkart race events. It was the 1st round of the French Superkart Championship in Dijon on 27.-28th March 2010 and the 1st round of the 3 race CIK-FIA European Superkart Championship which took place on the track in Silverstone in the UK.
This season there are two pilots representing our Superkart factory team: the Czech Adam Kout, who passed out his first start in Superkarts ever, and the experienced Swedish Superkart driver Stefan Malm. Stefan is a tall driver and it is a big disadvantage for him on dry tracks because he has 15 kilos overweight with our Superkart.
Although Adam Kout is one of the best Formula Renault pilots we did not expect good results from him before he gets used to his totally new racing machine after some first tests and race events. However, for a big surprise of all of us, from the start Adam did not have any problems with Superkart driving at all and he was running very fast immediatelly like an experienced Superkart driver.... The result of this was his unexpected 4th place in the first and the superb 3rd place in the second race in Dijon ! We did not not even dream of that Adam could reach the podium ranking in the premiere race of his Superkart career ! In the second race Adam even defeated one of the best European Superkart drivers, the Frenchman Damien Payart.
Also Stefan Malm did very well in France. Despite of a lot of problems with tyres he finished 6th in the first race and 5th in the second race.
The fastest driver running the MS KART chassis and VM engine was the Frenchman Alex Sebastia who represents the company EMA Racing of the importeur of MS KART/VM in France. In the first race after a duel with Payart, Alex finished on the 2nd position and he won the second race ! It is a great succes for MS KART/VM ! Among the first 6 there very 3 MS KART chassis with VM engines !
From Dijon in France our team moved over to Silverstone in the UK for the 1st round of the CIK-FIA European Superkart Championship. For the rookie Adam Kout the partecipation in the two races of the French Superkart Championship in Dijon meants a neccessary condition and qualification for the first race round of the CIK-FIA Superkart EC in Silverstone. We passed out the free practice on Thursday without any problems and the pilots got used to the new track. Then the first official training followed and everybody was really estauned by the results: on the wet-dry track the first 5 fastest drivers were all on MS KART chassis with VM engines ! ( Peter Elkmann/DE, Adam Kout/CZ, Arjan Kievitsbosch/NL, Stefan Malm/S, Rob Knook/NL).
In the first time practice the Dutchman Arjan Kievitsbosch MS/VM made the 2nd fastets time, No.4 Adam Kout and No.6 Rob Knook from Holland (MS/VM). The second time practice was run on totally dry track already. 3rd position Arjan Kievitsbosch, 5th Peter Elkmann and 6th Adam Kout. The first race was planned for Sunday morning. The track was wet but drying. We choosed dry tyres for the race but after that this decision appeared to be a big mistake. The sun disappeared and unfortunatelly the track remained wet for the whole race. For our drivers this was a race behind those good drivers who choosed dry tyres only. Peter Elkmann managed this heat in the best way and finished 9th. Adam Kout was 12th and Stefan Malm 14th. These 3 pilots scored. On the 16. position there was Marcel Maasmann from Holland (MS KART/VM). It is a big pitty that we did not master the first race as concerned tactics ...
The second race was run on totally dry track. Peter Elkmann was driving 5th for a long time but in final laps he went back to position 8. Adam Kout had a worse start and had to drive from the back, he finished 9th. There was also Marcel Maasmann who scored on 13th and Stefan Malm on 15th place. Arjan Kievitsbosch was driving very well but unfortunatelly he fell out of the third place becasue of flat tyre.
Although we were not very lucky in the final heats the race Silverstone was for all the MS KART/VM drivers a good entry into the European Superkart Championship. In hard competitin of 50 pilots the MS drivers did not get lost in any case.
Total classification after two races: 9th Peter Elkmann (15 points, 13th Adam Kout (11 points), 22th Stefan Malm (3 points).
The second round of the CIK-FIA European Superkart Championship will take place in Assen in the Netherlands on 7-8th August 2010.
More information >>
Hello Milena,
in the USA, we have ran our first two races of the year. Brody has qualified one pole and one off pole. At each event won a heat and finished 2nd in the mains. We need to work on engine top end performance for the future events.
Attached is a news article from the first Rotax round.
Signs of the economy here, only 4 Rotax Junior karts for the first race of the year :-(
The second round of the Redline Rotax is this weekend. Hopefully the numbers will be back up.
We have rented a MS Kart to a local driver wanting to try out the chassis for Rotax, hopefully he will like the kart and we can start to sell some RZF 29's in the US soon.
Click on the link to check out the race report for Junior Rotax and Brody with his MS Kart. :
And yes we can bring a mechanic to work on the kart when we come over to race with you.
Greg Zink
The first round of the 2010 French International Superkart Championship took place in Dijon on 27-28th March 2010. There were 4 pilots driving the MS Superkart Chassis and VM engine: Adam Kout (CZ), Stefan Malm (S) and two Frenchmen - Alexandre Sebastia and Kévin Ranoarimanana.
Our factory driver Adam Kout passed out his debut race in this cathegory. At the same time it was his neccessary qualification for the first round of the 2010 CIK-FIA European Superkart Championship, which will take place at the track in Silverstone in the UK this week. Adam´s debut race was more than successful ! Although Adam got only starting position No. 14. after the qualifying practice he finished 4th in the first and 3rd !! in the second race. Adam run a phantastic race, he managed to prevail the multiple Fench and European Champion Damien Payart, who finished on the 4th place.
Even our second factory pilot Stefan Malm from Sweden was running very well. Stefan finished on the 6th place in the first race. In the second final he was number 2 for a long time but unfortunatelly his wet Dunlop tyres weared off very quickly and Stefan went back to No. 5. Anyway, Stefan was very satisfied with the engine performance and the chassis set up.
The French pilot Alexandre Sebastia had a fantastic race on MS KART / VM as well. Alexandre finished second in the first race behind the winner Damien Payart PVP/FPE and he won the second final in front of Pierre Focque PVP/FPE and Adam Kout MS KART/VM.
Championnat de France Superkart more information >>
CIK-FIA European Superkart Championship
More information >>
Hi Milena
Well the first race of the year took place at Greg Moore Raceway in Chilliwack B.C. Canada . The Saturday practice session went well with MSkart being the fastest kart along with an Arrow kart all day long. When Sunday rolled around it was a horrible torrential downpour of rain. In 2009 we had great luck with a particular rain setup so we duplicated that setup. Qualifying showed that we had the setup bang on. We were the fastest kart in a large field of W/F by over two seconds per lap of the 1.2 km track and incidentally faster than half the TAG two stroke class. We dominated the first heat race lapping most of the field and placing first again. The second heat race we again had top speed and fastest laps to dominate the field of Arrow Karts. The main race had the field closer but again the MSKart dominated the wet infield and finished over 7 seconds ahead of the second place Arrow kart and 37 seconds ahead of the third place kart. This MSKart has proven once again that it can handle all sorts of track conditions and run with any brand of kart in the world. Thanks again for building such a great racekart.
Regards Greg Henderson
Hi Milena,
Race Report 14th March
EPEC, European pro Endurance Championship round 1, testing Saturday was wet so set-up was difficult, but by the end of Saturday the track was dry and we (43 and 443) were top five but still looking for two/three th's.
As Sunday morning approached it was dry and 5/6 degrees, so we put on control tyres and went to qualify for grid positions. We got it just right and qualified pole and third, race started and both karts were running top five and as the race went on towards the 4/5th hour mark MS/ Lucas were leading and MS /Soco were third and finished in that order. Great result for MS / Lucas MS / Soco !
Looking forward to round two 25/04/10 Clay pigeon
Race Report Warden Law Sprint Champs 7th March
(Round 1) First round went very well but qualifing didn't quite go to plan, Steven White was 2nd and Graham was on pole position but one driver had a stub axle bearing failed and had to start at the back of the grid. All four heats were all MS 1st 2nd 3rd and they grided up 1 2 3 for the final. As the race started Graham got pushed wide both Stevens got through cleanly and lead the race from start to finish
15.2. 2010 UK
MS Lucas/Soco attended the first big endurance of the year "The London Cup" on the weekend. It was a four hour endurance starting at 3pm going in to the evening and finishing at 7pm. We tested in the morning and immediatley we were fast along with other teams, come qualifying we were placed 2nd on the grid. After 2 hours we were leading by 1.5 laps and then it rained heavely but in taking new wets we made a good decision and the kart was fast. Eventually we won bt 9 laps, awesome!
Race running order was
1st MS Lucas/Soco 2010
2nd Alpha/Wright 09
3rd Alpha juniors/Wright 09
4th Team slick/Biz 06
5th McDonald/MS 2010
Regards, Happy days!
Howard Lucas
2.2. 2010
Pilots of the MS KART Racing Team in 2010
Rotax MAX:
- Jiří Forman / CZ
- Vladislav Kurakin / RU
Rotax Junior MAX:
- Petr Běžel / CZ
- Tomáš Salva / CZ
- Lukáš Vrečka / CZ
Superkart Divize I:
- Peter Elkmann / DE
- Adam Kout / CZ
- Stefan Malm / SE
Jiří Forman, Vladislav Kurakin and Petr Běžel will drive the Rotax Wintercup in Campillos/Spain on February 14th and the whole Rotax Euro Challenge serie consisting of 4 race events. The 1st one will take place in Salbris/France on March 28th 2010, the second race will be run on the track in Wackersdorf/Germany on May 30th 2010. The Challenge will go on in the Austrian Bruck on July 18th 2010 and finish in Belgium on the circuit in Genk on September 5th 2010. At the end of the season there will also be organised the Rotax International Open and the traditional and popular Rotax Grand Final.
Jirka Forman, Petr Běžel and Tomáš Salva will take part in the whole serie of the International Karting Championship of Czech Republic. Lukáš Vrečka will also run the International Karting Championship of Czech Republic as well as some other events of the international meetings in the KZ2 cathegory.
The German driver and 2008 European Superkart Champion Peter Elkmann will represent our brand also this year, the very first time with VM250 engine mounted in his MS Superkart indeed ! Peter will run the European Superkart Championship as well as both the European Superkart series.
After his 3 year racing career in Formula Renault 2000 the former kart driver Adam Kout goes back to karting sport this year, namely to the royal cathegory of Superkats. Together with the Swedish pilot Stefan Malm they will partecipate in the European Superkart Championship on MS KART / VM250. Adam will have to qualify himself for the 1st race of the EC in Silverstone by taking part in the first two races of the French Superkart Championship which will take place in Dijon on the first week-end in March 2010. He will also run some races of the German European Superkart Series as well as of the Dutch International Superkart Series.
We hope that a renewed structure of our 2010 racing team will bring a lot of success for MS KART brand both on Czech and on European circuits. Good luck !
Milan Šimák
MS KART s.r.o.
25.1. 2010
Offenbach / Germany
OOn January 23-24th the biggest kart show in the world took place in Offenbach in Germany like every year.
We were also there with our stand exhibiting our MS KART chassis together with VM engines made by the factory VM MOTOR from Pisek. We arranged our stand in cooperation and with a big organisational help of our German dealer, Mr. Günther Kunz from AMZ KARTS.
Besides the racing kart chassis MS KART RZF29/KF, RZF29/KZ and MS KART MINI which the people liked a lot thanks to the attractive design of the new decall kits we also presented there the rental kart MS KART INDOOR 08 as well as the new model INDOOR 010.
Interesting was also the MS KART RCA26 chassis with 4-stroke 250cc 5-speed gearbox engine and the power of 18HP. This kart is very popular by hobby drivers.
However, the biggest attention in our MS stand was attracted by the new MS Superkart chassis with the badge of the 2008 Superkart European Champion Peter Elkmann. Peter is our factory pilot also this year and we showed in Offenbach his wholy new chassis which he will run in the 2010 season.
For sure nobody could overlook a nice white-blue-yellow designed MS KART RZF/KZ type chassis with a 2-stroke water cooled MEGA engine of 65 HP presented at the impressive stand by the Austrian company Rübig. We have been cooperating successfully with Rübig on developing a chassis for their interesting and powerfull engine since 2008 and we are happy that they introduced the kart even there at the kart show in Offenbach.
20.1. 2010
One of the first kart race events this year was the World Superkart Challenge 2010 which took place in Dubai on 14-16th January 2010. It was the first race of the International Superkart Series. The MS Superkart with VM engine used by our team driver Michal Bartak in 2009 was bought by our MS Dutch dealer Jan Cramer, who has in his racing team also some Superkart drivers.
Jan Cramer engaged the well-known karting driver Arjan Kievitsbosch from Holland to run the kart from Bartak. Arjan is a very good driver who run like a CRG factory driver in the S-ICC and KZ1 cathegories for many years and made a lot of superb success worldwide. So, in his first this year´s race in Dubai Arjan Kievitsbosch started with MS Superkart and VM engine.
The race took place on a beautiful track of the autodrom in Dubai together with car race and consisted of 2 races and a final heat. On the well-known GP ring of the total lenght of 5,4 km there was made for the Superkarts a 3500 m long track. On the starting grid there were in total 4 Superkarts of the make MS KART ! The only woman in the starting field, Priscilla Speelman from Holland, also run the MS KART chassis and VM engine. The qualifying practice won Marcel Maasmann, 2nd Roy Panman and 3rd Arjan Kievitsbosch - MS Kart/VM.
Race 1: 1st Marcel Maasmann, 2nd Roy Panman, 3rd Gavin Bennett (2009 European Champion), 4th Arjan Kievitsbosch MS Kart/VM, Race 2: 1st Arjan Kievitsbosch MS Kart/VM !!, 2nd Marcel Maasmann, 3rd Kevin Busby Final race: 1st Marcel Maasmann – Anderson/Rotax, 2nd Gavin Bennett – Anderson/DFA, 3rd Arjan Kievitsbosch - MS Kart/VM, ... 7th Priscilla Speelman - MS Kart/VM, 8th Antoine Sellies - MS Kart/TM.
19.1. 2010
here are couple of pictures from our stand in VM Motorsportshow, Helsinki, Finland last weekend. Metallic blue kart is our MS Kart / Honda Formula 250. It has MS Kart RZF29 / KZ chassis and Honda CRF450R fuel injected motocross engine. And another kart in the show was MS Kart Baby with Comer 50 engine.
And next weekend we visit in Offenbach Kart-Exhibition, so hope to see everyone in there.
Best Regards,
Marko Laine
Team Laine
18.1. 2010
Hi Milena,
Just wanted to say hello and happy new year to you and your family. Juraj and myself are looking forward to another year with our WF MS Karts. I have to say I love the new sticker graphics. We will be ordering some soon along with the necessary parts we require for the upcoming season. Juraj forgot to send you the last race of 2009 where we came in 1st and third. We also had fastest laps of the weekend !
Greg Henderson
5.1. 2010
Hello Milena,
I won the Australian Titles in the field of 200cc recently in my Ms ProKart.
I have attached some pictures for your perusal.
Alana Brooks