Závodní činnost - sezóna 2009

9.12. 2009
San Francisco

Team MS Kart USA
Jim Russell 4 Hour Enduro Race Report 
MS Kart finishes 3rd

The 9th running of the Jim Russell Racing Schools annual 4 hour endurance race was held December 5th at the at the famous Infineon International Karting Facility just north of San Francisco.
Twenty-seven drivers entered into this event, three championship winning drivers in Bobby Tiftt, Conner Ford and Brody Zink were recruited to drive our MS Kart.
With the weather getting cold for this time of year, drivers and teams were faced with an added challenge of using a new control tire for this race. The very hard Yokohama Advan tire. With a cold track and hard tires, this made for a very interesting day of racing.

During the one-hour of practice prior to the race, we quickly found a set up that worked well with the RA 26 chassis that we were using and qualified in fourth place for the start of the race.
Unfortunately 25 minutes into the race our kart was involved in an accident with another competitor and suffered a bent axle and flat tire. We lost 11 laps while repairing the damage, and after rejoining the race, our drivers went to work driving laps that were a second faster than any other kart in the race and getting back to second place on the road by the end of the third hour. Then trouble struck again, a broken exhaust pipe caused an unscheduled stop for a replacement and caused us to drop back to third place on the road.

With thirty minutes of the race remaining, Tiftt set the fastest laps and was closing in on the second placed kart fast. But time was not on our side and the checkered flag flew at the end of the fourth hour with Tiftt finishing 15 seconds behind the second place kart. Our MS Kart proved to be fast and easy to drive with all of our drivers lapping within tenths of each other during their mandatory half-hour driving shifts.
Looking forward to racing the new 2010 FZF29 chassis soon.

Regards, Greg Zink


12.10. 2009

Hi Milena!

Grand final: Philip Hall was number 3 in the final this weekend in Micro.
Filip Gudmundsson was number 4 in the final this weekend in KZ2. Filip did win all 3 heat before the final it was dry then, but to the final it was rain and we did not find the right set up.
Both Philip Hall and Filip Gudmundsson did take the DM championship so after all it was a good weekend! 

Best regards,
Stefan Malm

21.9. 2009

Hi Milena!

Filip Gudmundson became the 2009 South Swedish Champion KZ2 !!! The last race out of 8 of the South Swedish Championship took place in Kalmar the last weekend.

Best regards,
Stefan Malm

18.9. 2009

Hi Milena!

We had bad and good weekend in Gothenburg! This is one of the biggest race in Sweden We won in Micro this weekend with Philip Hall ! Philip had the best lap time in time practice. He came second in the first race and he did win the 2nd race. In the final he was number 1 !!

But in KZ2 Filip Gudmundsson was number 2 when the driver who was number 3 just ran into him from the back and pushed him of the track. At that time Filip was the fastest driver on the track and the victory went away from us....

This weekend we go to Kalmar for the last race of the South Swedish Championship. We are in good advance to win the whole serie in Micro and KZ2.

Best regards,
Stefan Malm

14.9. 2009

Hi, I send a picture from Järfälla Open Stockholm from September 2009 Winner: David Söderlund. It was the only kart race for him in 2009. Today he drives Radical.


CIK-FIA European Superkart Championship Assen (NL) 7.-9.8.2009

První srpnový víkend přinesl poslední závod z třídílného seriálu ME superkartů. Jel se v holandském Assenu. Na startu bylo celkem 51 jezdců. Na podvozku MS KART startovalo 14 jezdců.

Nejrychlejší z MS KARTU byl tradičně Peter Elkmann. V prvním závodě obsadil 2. místo za Angličanem Bennettem. Bohužel, v druhém závodě vypadl v posledním kole z 2. místa pro poruchu motoru. Protože v posledním kole vypadl též Gavin Bennett z 1. místa, spadlo vítězství do klína Francouzi Payardovi. Toto první místo a vypadnutí Petera Elkmanna, přineslo Damianu Payardovi celkové druhé místo v seriálu ME v letošním roce. Peter Elkmann skončil se stejným počtem bodů na celkovém třetím místě. Přesvědčivě vyhrál Gavin Bennett.

Velmi dobře se dařilo i dalším dvěma jezdcům MS KARTu s motorem VM. Michal Barták byl v prvním závodě 8. a ve druhém 10. Ani v jednom závodě se mu nepovedl start a vždy se probojovával dopředu ze 16. místa. Marcel Masmann skončil v prvním závodě na 13. místě a ve druhém na 11. místě. Celkově patří v letošním seriálu ME Marcelu Masmannovi 13. místo a Michalu Bartákovi 17. místo. 

Naše stáj se až do závodů v anglickém Cadwell Parku potýkala s problémy se zapalováním. Nyní je problém vyřešen a po instalaci nového zapalování RTD je motor VM velmi rychlý. Michal Barták tak dokončil pouze tři ze šesti závodů a to nestačilo na lepší celkové umístění. V Assenu jsme byli proti loňsku rychlejší o 1,5 vteřiny na kolo. Loni jsme dostávali od 1. jezdce zhruba 30 – 40 vteřin za závod. Letos pouze 7 – 10 vteřin. Na příští závod na začátku září namontujeme na motor nové válce a novou převodovku. Tyto díly budou homologovány od příštího roku. Slibujeme si další zvýšení výkonu a ještě lepší konkurence schopnost.

19.8. 2009

Hi Milena!

We had a new victory this weekend! 
The race, called Golden summer in Kristianstad, was the first one for Philip Hall with the new MS-kart 950 Chassi.

Tha class is called Micro and is a national class, powered by Raket 85cc engines. This is his first year in the class and he has competed successfully with other chassis before, but could not resist the opportunety from Malm Racing to test this new chassi from MS!

He had tested it out in Junior 60 and Micro before the race. The expectations were high! In the first practice he was third, three tens after the fastest. Second practice after sprocket change he was fastest....
Qualifying he was second one tens after best, we had to test the second engine.

First heat he started second wich he held into goal. Second he started the same but advanced to first.
Prefinal in the lead from start to the goal....
Final, started first and was when the checkered flag fell 0.15 sec ahead of number two!
We did not find the most power in the engine this day, but after good work from Philip he could finish with a victory!
We have not yet found the best parameters in the chassi, so it will go even faster in the future!

Best regards Philip Hall with crew Malm Racing

12.8. 2009


Javier Jose Orillac - Mini Kart 60cc. Last race from the 2008 season. The only MS MINI KART at the track in that category among 11 kids. Pole position.

Nowdays and during the 2009 season he still hold the track record in his category and recently (last week) he broke his own record again. His father Javier Orillac this season leader of the shifter category with MS KART also. Champion 2009! The message I want to send you is that we are still a winning team!

Ing. Martin "Pincho" Sosa

21.7. 2009
Peter Elkmann – Mistr Anglie Superkart 2009

Ve dnech 17. – 19. července 2009 se v anglickém Cadwell Parku konal závod Superkartů, který se jel jako mistrovství Anglie. Vítěz tohoto závodu se stal Mistrem Anglie pro rok 2009.

Tento závod čítající 48 jezdců na startu byl zároveň součástí Mezinárodního seriálu Superkartů.

Peter Elkmann s podvozkem MS KART obhajoval loňské vítězství a po perfektním a bezchybném výkonu ve finále, které se jelo na mokré trati, s přehledem závod vyhrál ! Porazil široké pole velmi rychlých anglických jezdců startujících s konkurenčními podvozky a uzmul jim tímto skvělým vítězstvím jejich domácí titul Mistra Anglie pro rok 2009. Pro naši značku MS KART je to opět jeden z vynikajících úspěchů !

Místo našeho druhého továrního jezdce Michala Bartáka startoval s podvozkem MS mladý britský jezdec Daffyd Iles. Přestože Daffyd absolvoval svůj první závod v superkartech, je mu jen 18 let a svoji licenci má teprve 14 dní, byl pro nás jeho výkon velkým překvapením. Po celou dobu se pohyboval v první desítce startovního pole. Poslední volný trénink skončil na druhém místě, těsně za pozdějším vítězem, Peterem Elkmannem. Pro mnoho anglických jezdců to byl šok, přiznáváme, že i pro nás.... Daffyd pokračoval devátým místem v měřeném tréninku. První kvalifikaci dojel druhý, druhou kvalifikaci dokončil na sedmém místě. V předfinále musel zvolnit pro poruchu řazení a vzdát se tak skvělého 5. místa. Ve finále se na mokré trati propracoval ze 17. pozice na startu až na pětku, ve druhé polovině závodu však udělal chybu a vylétl z tratě. Byla to velká škoda jak pro náš tým tak pro jezdce samotného. Mohl dojet na 4. místě a to by za prvním Peterem Elkmannem býval byl pro MS KART obrovský úspěch.

V barvách MS KARTu startoval i Marcel Maasmann z Holandska, který závod nedokončil pro těžkou nezaviněnou havárii, a také další nováček třídy Superkart - sympatická Holanďanka Priscilla Speelmann. Té jízda v Superkartu zcela učarovala. Za 14 dní se na trati v holandském Assenu jede poslední se 3 závodů Mistrovství Evropy. Peter Elkmann má velkou šanci na obhajobu Evropského titulu z loňského roku. Držme mu palce !!!

Milan Šimák

7.7. 2009

Jezdec Filip Gudmundsson na podvozku MS KART, s motorem TM se stal Mistrem Švédska pro rok 2009. Je to obrovský úspěch tohoto jezdce a značky MS KART, protože dokázal porazit všechny renomované značky, které byly na závodech zastoupeny svými týmy. Gratulujeme.

Hi Milena!
The weekend was succes! Filip did Win the first race and the second race after 2 race he was in 1 position with 10 points in advance. in the 3 race Filip Gudmundsson took the start and was in 1 position some laps but when his concurent for the Swedish Championship Philip Forsman (Birel) could not hang on, Filip decide to slow down and be number 3 in the race. The chassi did work perfekt on the track, it was very much grip on the track and it was very hot 30 degres.

Best regards Stefan Malm

5.7. 2009

Hello Milena, I hope, everything is OK.
I send you a picture from Most on my Superkart, it is a nice photo for MS kart I think....
Have I nice summer.

Best regards, Magnus Andersson

26.5. 2009

Hi Milena and Jana,

First I'd like to thank you fast delivery for the parts we needed just before the race weekend.
Last weekend was the first Finnish Championship race and MS Kart and fuel injected Honda CRF450 debut in the series.
The weather was changing all the time and some of sessions were dry and some wet. Even we hadn't test new chassis at all before race, it was excellent from at begin. I had no one problem with it at the whole weekend.

I started qualifying quite slow, but still manage to the super pole session (super pole is final qualifying session for best six). I was sixth.
In super pole I was fourth, so starting position was in the second row.
The first final started even better. I made a holeshot and lead first four laps. Then I left too much room for competitors and the final result was third.
The second final was wet race. Start wasn't so good this time and after 15 laps, I was fifth.
Overall result for Saturday was shared third place.

Third and fourth final was on Sunday. I was expecting good results, but sometimes all don't go so well.
Qualifying was so tight that I miss super pole by 0.2 seconds. Starting position was 8th.
The first final start was good also this time and I managed to get fifth position. After 15 laps, final result was sixth.
The second final start also great and I was managed to overtake three competitors and was third after two laps. In third lap front sprocket broke, so I had to retire.

Even Sunday ended not so good, the overall feeling was positive. The chassis and engine are great. Next race is in two weeks, so we have to work even more to get first victory for MS Kart in Finland. I hope it will be in the near future.

See pictures. Marko Laine (MS Kart/Honda) number 18.

Best regards,

-- Marko Laine --
-- Team Laine --

18.5. 2009

Races #2 , #3 at Greg Moore Raceway Chilliwack, BC Canada.
In our first try in new category MS Kart R23WF placed 3rd and 4h place.

Race #2 3rd place Juraj Novota #41
4th place Greg Henderson #14

Race #3 3rd place Greg Henderson #14
4th place Juraj Novota #41

Juraj Novota

10.5. 2009

Hi Milena! 

We had a victory in Superkart with MSkart and VM engine in Kinnekulle in the Swedish Superkart Serie, in the first race on 8-10th May 2009.  
Best regards, 
Stefan Malm


5.5. 2009


Last weekend we had our 1st race in the Aragon Championship for the Rotax DD2. AFTER taking 2^ND AND 3^RD IN our very first race with the MSKART in the Catalan Rotax Challenge we were very anxious to get to the race in Aragon, a circuit which we have never even seen let alone driven. Saturday.
Morning a very cold morning the drivers go out to learn the circuit taking things very easy,the tempreture started to get better and by mid afternoon we were in times of the top 10 drivers of 13 with very few changes to the chasis the drivers very happy with their times we leave the circuit to go and see a FANTASTIC 2-6 Madrid- Barcelona football


Warm up times very good
Qualifying we end up 4the on the grid and 10 th on the grid but all very very close its going to be a hard race here

AFTER A FLYING START from our driver Juan he goes in to second place but a large stone goes under the front spoiler and at the next bend goes straight getting back on the track makes a briiliant come back to finnish 4^th. The other driver after being pushed off when he was running 5^th finished 10^th

WITH ALL EYES ON US after the flying start from Juan in the first race, we were very very nervous but the traffic light went out and at the second corner JUAN (planetkart ) and the distinctive blue MSKART were SECOND Juan our driver with physical problems after the first race controlled the situacion and the second MS KART was running 3^rd until low and behold the same driver who took him out in the first race touches David from behind again and off the track again Juan controlling the race perfectly finishes 2^nd in the final and David 9^th a very very good weekend and very very happy. With 2 races only with the new MSKART RZF29 DD2 and very little time to test TWO SECOND PLACES AND A 3^RD can not ask for a better start to our season our next race WE RACE AT OUR HOME CIRCUIT and looking forward to dedicate our first victory TO MILAN

THANK TO ALL AT MSKART on behalf of the team


22.4. 2009


PLANET KART MAKES 2ND AND 3 RD PLACE IN THE FIRST OFICIAL ROTAX DD2 RACE OF 2009 IN THE CATALAN ROTAX CHALLENGE using the MSKART RZF29 after making second place in the timing in dry conditions the rain came before the first race. Thanks to the factory settings given to us by Milan we achieved our first results of 2009 a fantastic 2^nd and 3^rd palce in our official debut with MSKART.
I am very very delighted with the result as you can imagin and would like to dedicate this result to MILAN, MILENA, JANA. AND ALL AT MS KART IN PRACHATICE CHECH REPUBLIC on behalf of all the team of PLANETKART here in SPAIN.At our next race 2^nd 3^rd of May we hope to dedicate you all our first planetkart mskart victory of 2009




zdravím Vás z Nového Zélandu. O víkendu jsem jel poslední závod a ukončil jsem sezonu vítězstvím ve Vánočním závodě Mt Wellington. V sobotu jsem byl nejrychlejší ve všech trénincích. Potom v něděli jsem jel jednu kvalifikaci, dvě jízdy, předfinále a finále. Kvalifikoval jsem se jako první o dvě desetiny. V první jízdě jsem měl špatný start, propadl jsem se na třetí místo a pak jsem předjel na druhé. Ve druhé jízdě jsem odstartoval lépe, ale také jsem ztratil první pozici, potom jsem jezdce přede mnou dojel a předjel. V předfinále jsem měl zase špatný start, zadržel mě jeden jezdec a dvě kola před cílem jsem ho předjel a dohnal vedoucího. Ve finále jsem startoval jako druhý, většinu závodu jsem jel za vedoucím jezdcem až do pátého kola před cílem, kdy jsem byl předjet a vytlačen z trati.

Motokára byla skvělá díky vaší podpoře.

Děkuji a posílám pár fotek. 
Paul Blomqvist