23.8.2017, MS Soco – WINNING TEAM of the British 24 Hour Prokart Endurance Championship
Tyre Sale 2017
844Ca, Cb MS KART tyre bag - blue, red
863Bb, Bc Flag MS KART „Beach“ 220 cm and 340 cm
863Ca Flag MS KART 130 x 85 cm
850Ge - Bodywork stickers MS KART - model 2017
861Cb T-shirt MS KART – for kids
Total sale clothing 2017
New rental kart for kids MS KART MINI RED SPARROW
„New rent kart model MS KART RED CONDOR“
MS KART, Milan Šimák
Submitted by (not verified) on 2. December 2015 - 9:09.The friend who introduced me to lol (a lady) plays a really great tristana but she dont utilize
the computer keyboard... I didnt see it a the start,
but after some occasions i noticed and was amazed.
She plays 1 second before everyone else (she dont use smartcast, she click of the image in the skill bar then click the target...
sam e for display !!!). She is a brown 5 (because she largely plays for enjoyment and dont treatment
with graded) but when she used the keyboard, and
smartcasr she would be stone by now